Conventions and terminology used

Conventions used

  • Step-by-step instructions, which should be performed in sequence, are shown as numbered paragraphs, beneath a clearly stated, 'To do' heading.

  • As there is often more than one way of carrying out a task, you will find 'Or' options also included.

  • Additional tips or explanatory notes regarding these instructions appear as bulleted paragraphs under the heading 'Note'.

Terminology used

Tutor/Control The device that is used to take over another.
Student/Client The device that is to be taken over.
Available Student When a Student has been installed on a device, it becomes available for connection to a Tutor. A Student must be available before a Tutor can connect to it.
Connected Student All available Students or groups of Students can be chosen for simultaneous connection. A Tutor can only interact with a Student they are connected to.
Selected Student A Student or group of connected Students can be selected by the Tutor. The Tutor can then perform a variety of functions such as, View and Message etc. A Tutor can switch between multiple Students, making each of them, in turn, the selected Student.